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"M i d l i f e  i s  w h e n  t h e  u n i v e r s e  g e n t l y 

p l a c e s  h e r  h a n d s  u p o n  y o u r  s h o u l d e r s, 

 p u l l s  y o u  c l o s e ,  a n d  w h i s p e r s  i n 

y o u r  e a r : I ' m  n o t  s c r e w i n g  a r o u n d "

B r e n é  B r o w n


MenoMindset Programme

Menopause HypnoCoaching 

You know what you're going through- You don't need me or anyone else to tell you what that emotional and physical roller coaster of Perimenopause and Menopause can feel like.
 No matter where you are on your journey, I want you to know that I understand what you are going through.
I get You. I see You.

You're not broken -  â€‹You're not alone -  You're not lost -  You're here 



My mission is that no one walks through Perimenopause or Menopause  alone.
I'll  help you
 step back into your Power and back into connection with your body. I will use all my experience and expertise to support you holistically and mindfully manage challenging perimenopause and menopause symptoms and navigate your way to a You that is calmer, happier, more engaged with life, more aligned and ready for what is next.

And believe me when I say to you that  the best is yet to come for you.  
I can help you reconnect with your genius, with who you are and with who you can be - all while you develop a positive and empowering plan for your future and for your Mindful Menopause, more in control of your life, your relationships and your career again.

Imagine for a moment what it could be like to be in that unlocked energy.... What if you could be in that energy right now so you can continue to unleash and honour that person you came here to be? An energy where you could make your Menopause a Menopause of Possibilities, not one where you feel all the joy has been sucked out of you, but one where you get to see just how good your Midlife gets to be?


  I will walk with you, hold space for you and be your companion on this journey.
So I invite you to s
low down, get centred, get grounded.
Together we will hit pause and reset



How we will work together

My exclusive MenoMindset framework is a deeply  personalised combination of Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Creativity and Self-care. Working together  we will create  experiences and natural physical and emotional shifts and combine these  with practical insights and support.  It is completely natural, non-intrusive and drug-free. We will work with your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, how you feel and how you want to feel moving forward, what you want more of and what you want to let go of.


You own your Menopause experience and we will work together to  realise what success and a Mindful Menopause looks like for you in terms of your life, your relationships and your career. 




















How I can support You 

​The MenoMindset HypnoCoaching Programme can help you experience  improvements in your quality of life, gain a deeper understanding of your body, your thinking and develop effective strategies to manage the many  personal and professional challenges you're often experiencing so you thrive not just survive them.

​My approach is integrative, holistic and mindful - one of balance, harmony and growth.


You don't need to feel alone or misunderstood anymore.

You don't have to keep putting up and shutting up because this is how you feel your life is now - because you are so much more.





















Join me on a one-to-one Programme. We will identify and track symptoms, explore challenges,  look at your emotional needs and lifestyle. Then, using my unique MenoMindset framework, we will work together to explore and dive deep to generate the forward  momentum you need to make the shift you want in your life and your career creating a plan for your Mindful Menopause. 



Menopause doesn't have to be a lonely journey - I'm honoured to walk alongside you supporting you embrace this new part of your life - it may not seem like it right now but the best really is yet to come! 




"Menopause may be part of midlife, midlife is a lot more than just Menopause"

Naomi Watts





FREE Relaxation Audio
I understand the unique challenges of perimenopause and menopause and I created this free guided relaxation audio as a small way to support your journey towards a calmer, happier you.
If you're feeling stressed or anxious this Menopause Relaxation Remedy audio offers you a blend of gentle techniques to help you manage stress, relax and improve your mood.



If you are an organisation committed to enhancing your support for employees navigating perimenopause and menopause and you would  like to learn more about my individual and group coaching MenoMindset  services for corporate &  business clients, let's start a conversation -  book a call!

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1 month one to one HypnoCoaching Programme: £333
Review, release any negative beliefs and emotions around Perimenopause and Menopause, work on wellbeing, career and relationships, recalibrate and plan for the future.

6 month MenoMindset Signature HypnoCoaching Coaching Offer: : £3000
Time and space to do much deeper depth work around  your experience of Perimenopause and Menopause, reviewing, releasing any negative and shadow beliefs and emotions around identity, goals, as well as working on wellbeing, career and relationships, and recalibrating and planing for a vibrant and positive future.

This includes  weekly coaching zoom sessions + Voxer /Whatsapp  access  if you have an "I need your help" moment.If you feel you need longer  support, I have tailored a 12 month intensive.


Bonuses included in  your Coaching Programme include : ​

Personalised workbooks, trackers, journaling prompts, mindfulness resources, as well as personalised guided relaxation and self hypnosis recordings to support your ongoing practice, accountability, and to reinforce techniques learned during the sessions.​

Important: Please note, I am unable to diagnose or prescribe.

Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health or wellness routine, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications.


Corporate & Business Clients

 If you are an organisation committed to enhancing your support for employees navigating perimenopause and menopause and you would  like to learn more about my individual and group coaching MenoMindset  services for corporate/ business clients, let's start a conversation -  book a call!
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